Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Another "Get a load of this bullshit". Last time I checked 'Wrestlers' dealt with the media as well. So Stephanie's 'logic' adds up to? Bullshit. :)

To bad she doesn't think before she speaks, lol.

Knox County mayor-elect Glenn "Kane" Jacobs was interviewed by former WWE and Impactcompetitor Tyrus on the FOX News Rundown podcast. Kane discussed his political position, and also discussed how all the hats he wore as a WWE talent helped him be successful in winning.
Kane also stated that he wanted to break the stereotype of pro wrestlers being viewed by the public as simply "jocks." He was reminded of something that Stephanie McMahon told him about breaking the stereotype.
"I remember Stephanie McMahon once saying there's a reason why we're not called wrestlers. We're called superstars, because there's so much more that we do," said Jacobs. "Even within our WWE careers, all the things that we're asked to do. Our promotion, dealing with the media, all of that stuff is more than just a guy or gal in the ring for 10 minutes a night and put on a show."

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