Thursday, July 19, 2018

WWA (Kentucky) Hysteria 69 - The Final Countdown 2018

-CCW is supposed to be the special guest referee in the National Championship match between Tyler Hawkins and Josiah. Will CCW be able to even officiate less than 24 hours after surgery? Will his personal feelings toward Josiah and Tyler Hawkins play a role?
-Stonewall gets his WWA Championship rematch in a Last Man Standing match at Independence Day. Tonight, Stonewall takes on "Superstar" Ray Waddell. Also, Dakota France holds an open challenge for the WWA Championship. -The Perfect Pair are the new WWA Tag Team Champions, but tonight they are in singles action. Alexander Knight faces Myron Reed, while Vanderpool goes one on one with Jordan Whittaker. Can Jordan defeat Vanderpool, or is his mind clouded by Teddy King and their Number One Contenders match scheduled for Independence Day? Plus Logan Abell, Controlled Chaos, Cortland Moore, Andrew Hunter, the WWA Hardcore Champion Brenton Wood, and more!

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