Friday, July 13, 2018

When You Try And tell other Newsites WWE's "Gem' Isn't Quite A 'Gem'

An example of what happens when you inform the 'bigger' newsites and columnists that their report on the "hidden Gem" isn't so hidden after all? They don't approve your reply, LOL! Why they so scared? Thjey had the guts to report the gem but no guts to show that their 'gem' is readily available on Youtube? Guess Meltzer, PWInsider, and Wrestlinginc got a sudden case of lackofballs. LMAO! Least I had the guts to show this when nobody has the balls. They'll approve replies like this but they won't approve the one with the link to where it's at on YouTube, LMAO. Some real fucking idiots run Wrestlinginc, LOL!

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