Tuesday, July 24, 2018

PWInsider, Torch And Meltzer Again, Prove Me Right (The irony is amusing)

Here are the stories all three did on Brian Christopher getting arrested again. A story I broke, hours ago and said, these guys would not only play catch up to me? But not give me any credit for breaking the story first.

As you can see. They proved me correct again.

Remember, these are the same whiny bitches who are the first ones to piss and moan if someone doesn't give THEM credit on a story. But when it comes time for them? To do the same and credit me? Funny how they find all sorts of ways to avoid that.

The irony of what these dipshits say and then do, is quite amusing. And by all means you want to tell them i said this, go ahead. You know what they'll all do? Nothing, not a damn thing but take it, just like they always have.

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