Monday, July 23, 2018

Jerry Lawler Cuts Matt Riviera's Perm: USA Championship Wrestling - 7/14/18

After offering 74 year old wrestling legend “Superstar” Bill Dundee $100,000 to retire from pro wrestling at Oman Arena back on July 7th, 2018, “The LVR Boy” Matt Riviera & his manager Boyd Bradford were attacked by the “Superstar”, who then made off with the money. On this edition of USA Championship Wrestling TV, airing Saturday night’s at 10:30pm on WBBJ Channel 7 out of Jackson, TN, Matt Riviera came out to confront Dundee. This led to the surprise appearance by WWE Hall of Fame member Jerry “The King” Lawler, who went on to attack Matt Riviera and, along with Dundee, proceeded to cut the prized perm of “The LVR Boy”. Later in the show, Riviera came back out to challenge Lawler next week on USA Championship Wrestling TV.

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