Saturday, March 3, 2018

Nick Aldis vs. David Starr | NWA Worlds Championship (2018)

Published on Mar 3, 2018
Nick Aldis started The Aldis Crusade with Ten Pounds of Gold vs. James Ellsworth at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood. It continued in the United Kingdom with challenger #5 - David Starr for the NWA Worlds Championship happening on 2/11/2018 at IPW UK.

NWA Ten Pounds Of Gold is documenting The Aldis Crusade and each match brings a unique challenge for the champion. Nick Aldis launched this crusade as a way to change the perception on not only himself but the NWA Worlds Title.

David Starr talks about how important this journey is during his entrance for this NWA World Title Match. Fans packed IPW UK's Milton Keynes venue to see this clash for the Ten Pounds of Gold.

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