Monday, March 5, 2018


New Japan Pro Wrestling announced last night that Katsuyori Shibata will be the head coach of the Los Angeles dojo beginning next week, so that will be Shibata’s new role for the company after injuries forced him out of the ring last year.   It was also announced that Scorpio Sky will be working as assistant head coach.  This is the company's second outing with a Los Angeles dojo as they had one in the early 2000s that featured Shinsuke Nakamura, Bryan Danielson, Rocky Romero, Ricky Reyes and Samoa Joe, among others, training there regularly back when the Inokis had their relationship with Dave Marquez. 

Chris Jericho, in responding to a fan on Twitter about whether he was still working with New Japan, responded, “Unfortunately, no.”  Jericho attacked Tetsuya Naito in an angle to set up a future match between them after the Wrestle Kingdom classic with Kenny Omega, but hasn’t been announced for anything since.   Of course, with Jericho, there’s always a lot of sleight of hand where he says one thing publicly to lead the audience one way to maximize the surprise effect if/when he has his next major angle or return, so we will see what happens.

There’s no timeline yet for how long Trent Beretta will be out of action after tearing his bicep and pec last week.

AXS TV is replaying all four hours of Wrestle Kingdom 12 tomorrow starting at 9 PM Eastern.

The announced lineup for the 3/25 New Japan Strong Style Evolved event in Long Beach, California features:

*The Golden Lovers, Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi vs The Young Bucks.

*Rey Mysterio vs. Jushin Liger (This would be dependent on how bad Mysterio was injured over weekend)

*IWGP United States champion Jay White vs. Adam “Hangman” Page.

Jushin Liger will be doing a seminar with Las Vegas’ Future Stars of Wrestling on 3/11 with one participant being picked by Liger and Rocky Romero to compete at FSW’s next Mecca event.

Speaking of Romero, the following press release was issued:


Story of pro wrestling legend is finally told

Chico El Luchador, the greatest professional wrestler of all time, is finally featured in a documentary about his epic rise and tragic fall from grace.

Following in the tradition of “Wrestling with Shadows” and “ESPN’s 30 for 30: Ric Flair”, “Chico El Luchador: Scuffling with Shade” is the 99.7% true story of Chico’s decades long career.

While some might view this as more of a comedy mockumentary, Chico’s story is still real to him, dammit! It’s told by Chico along with pro wrestling stars Sean Waltman (X-pac), IWGP Champion Kazuchika Okada, tag team champions The Young Bucks, Bullet Club’s villain Marty Scurll, Former WWE Superstar John Morrison, “The King of Dong Style” Joey Ryan, New Japan Pro Wrestling's Juice Robinson, NJPW announcer Kevin Kelly, and many more.

Sponsored by “DDT Yoga”, “Chico El Luchador: Scuffling with Shade” reveals the truth Chico losing his mask in a “screwjob” to his jealous arch-rival Juanito El Malo.

“Chico El Luchador” is Executive Produced by pro wrestling superstar Rocky Romero, who says that Chico has always been inspiration for him. “Chico” is directed and co-written by Marc Warzecha (Comedy Central, The Second City.)

“Chico El Luchador: Scuffling with Shade” Part 1 can be seen here:

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