Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Guess she wants to forget the people HE Screwed over, eh? KAREN JARRETT ON HUSBAND'S WWE HOF INDUCTION,

I see I'm the only 'hater' columnist/wrestling writer because everyone else is kissing Jeff Jarrett's ass about his WWE HOF induction. Since I'm the only one who has enough guts or balls to openly say I see thru the bullshit on this. I'll gladly stand alone as the only one with balls enough to speak the truth since PWInsider, ProWrestling.Net, Torch or Observer don't have the guts I have.

I will be posting an article later today that I'm in the midst of writing about this subject. Like I said, nobody else has the balls to do it, so I'll do it.

Karen Jarrett commented on her husband Jeff Jarrett's announced induction into the WWE Hall of Fame this evening on Twitter, responding to my comment that it was amazing how Jeff always seems to land on his feet, writing:

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