Tuesday, February 20, 2018

FUCK JEFF JARRETT! - An article written by me.

The title of this isn't a typo, It's a perfect fit because in the end, FUCK JEFF JARRETT!

All the other wrestling columnists and writers are doing their kiss Jarrett's ass because Vince McMahon decided he should be in the WWE's Hall of fame. Writers like Dave Scherer, Mike Johnson, Wade Keller, Dave Meltzer (and others) who slammed Jarrett in the recent past, now turn around and have their lipsd planted on jarrett's ass, scasred to tell the truth of how bullshit Jarrett's induction really is. So since the others don't have the balls to do it, I will. Because simply I'm not out hoping to get interviews from wrestlers. I don't need that for what I do to stay being successful. I don't have to hope a paywall for some elite membership that people pay to see shit that's available for free elsewhere (and I've proven that over and over again) is going to help hook people into my postings. The people come no matter wehat I post so kissing McMahon's ass or Jarrett's I don't have to do, need to do nor want to do. So like I said, since the other 'big time writers' don't have the balls to say what bullshit this is. I'll do it because I simply, have the balls they don't have.

So if you hijack Vince McMahon for a huge payoff to drop the I-C title, you make it into hall of fame? You show up like a drunken fool to an indy show, then fuck that promoter over, you get to go into the hall of fame? You try and shuck and jive Anthem Sports into buying a 'company' (GFW) that's pretty much the joke of the wrestling business, and you get into the hall of fame? Because that's exactly what Jarrett has done. All three instances are what he did and I guess that entitles him to hall of fame status in the world of the WWE. or maybe because he begged the WWE to pay for his rehab he gets to go into the hall of fame, I almost forgot that one. With all the money he made from Impact Wrestling and GFW shows (yeah right on the later) why'd he have to beg McMahon to get into rehab? Most people with them problems get themselves into rehab.

It's not like Jarrett has been a great wrestler, he's not. He when he first ran/booked Impact Wrestling when it was TNA shoved himself down people's throats trying to to prove to the whole wrestling world that he was a national main event talent when in reality. I could name a dozen other wrestlers that earned that without having to be shoved down people's throats. needless to say shoving himself down people's throats and booking himself as NWA World Champion didn't legitimize or validate him at all. If anything it showed how desperate he was at proving something that in the end he couldn't prove at all because look where he's at now. Fired from the very company he formed not once, but twice.

I've watched Jarrett matches all the way back to when he was in Memphis, getting the push because his daddy was part owner and part booker (gee, how many times have we've seen THAT before?). He may have been good for a territory like Memphis, being a USWA Champion, but I-C Champion? When I've seen true greats who are so fluid and got over way better like Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, Ricky Steamboat, even Kerry Von Erich. That's a certain level of greatness and then you add Jarrett's name? It's a level Jarrett's skills will never get to. It was like a step down having him hold any major title compared to the talent I just listed.

And his WCW run was pathetic as well. Having Russo as his buddy shove him down people's throats and getting the wrong kind of heat. The kind of heat that had me change the channel or put in an ECW or SMW tape I got in the mail, tells you how well he was recieved in my book. I just don't get the appeal and the fact that he's being inducted into a hall of fame that's pretty much a joke, would be funny to laugh at if it wasn't so pathetic and desperate on McMahon's part.

Now for anyone out there who may say "well you never met Jeff Jarrett, I can easily say, BULLSHIT! he was on a show I locally promoted for WWA New England back in 1998 in Farmington, NH. he was part of the WWF Training Dojo they had running at the time wheich featured Kurt Angle(managed by Dory Funk Jr.), Hardys, and William Regal was on it as he was rehabbing a leg injury. He got over but not as over (as I told the Bruce Prithard, Tom pritchard and WWA New England owner Fred Sparta) as Regal being a heel manager (Managing Tom Pritchard)and getting on the mic. So I met him, my opinion then was the same as it is now.

With so many other more deserving wrestlers who actually earned or want to be in this hall of fame, this act of desperation by McMahon for only reasons McMahon knows (to give Jarrett a payday he can't earn with Global Farce Wrestling?), this makes the WWE Hall of fame look more of a fucking joke now than ever before. If there's one wrestler right now that doesn't deserve to be there? It's Jeff Jarrett.

So yes, FUCK JEFF JARRETT! That's right, I said it.

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