Friday, February 9, 2018

Cody Rhodes On How The Stardust Character Affected His WWE Departure

conclusion of his tenure having a run as Stardust. The Stardust character was formed following Cody and Goldust experiencing a losing streak after a successful tag team run, and Cody admonishing his brother to find another tag team partner. Goldust would team with a list of people, but would eventually team with his brother again under the Stardust character.
The two turned heel against the Usos, and won the WWE Tag Team Championships again. After dissension between the two, Stardust turned on his brother and commenced a singles career. While Stardust had moments such as teaming with The Ascension as the Cosmic Wasteland, competing in the ladder match at WrestleMania 31 for the Intercontinental Championship, competing against John Cena for the United States Championship, and feuding with Stephen Amell, he never peaked past a midcard level.

Regarding never reaching a main event status, Cody defended WWE by admitting that an opportunity was presented.

"In WWE, you're always given the opportunity," said Cody. "They have such a large brand — you're on the (WWE) Network, you're on YouTube, you're on USA Network, you're on so many platforms. I just think it didn't feel right. I don't know what specifically."

Rhodes expressed to FOX Sports how the Stardust character affected his departure from WWE.

"Maybe I just wasn't meant to do Stardust as long as I had done it, so it didn't feel right. I remember putting some concept art together for what I would look like as just Cody Rhodes, as just Cody, the wrestler," said Cody. "And it really just appealed to me in such a way that if I couldn't do it in WWE, I thought well, I've saved my money, I know a little bit about the game, I'm going to go and do it on my own and see how I do. And it ended up being the best decision I've ever made.

Now, Cody has spent his time competing in the independent circuit, as well as Ring of Honor, New Japan, and briefly Impact Wrestling. He won the Ring of Honor World Championship and held it for six months before losing it to Dalton Castle last December. He explained that he is experiencing a significant level of freedom being able to compete in different promotions.

"It's total freedom. And I don't think it's fear. I don't think that New Japan and Ring of Honor are afraid of the Bullet Club, they're aware," said Rhodes. "Particularly Being the Elite — they're aware that it's only a good thing, because it's a platform for talent to succeed."

Cody revealed to FOX Sports that the popular "Being the Elite" YouTube series is currently in discussions with a number of companies interested in purchasing the show's streaming rights. He also explained why the rift in Bullet Club occurred between him and Kenny Omega.

"I'm not capable of being in a group where I'm not the leader. I did it once earlier in my career with Legacy, and that was cool because I was young and green and a rookie in the industry, but now no more," expressed Cody. "After a world title run you can't really call someone else your leader. And I think that is this natural tension, that very really exists, because here [Omega] is with this reputation of being the best wrestler in the world and here I am with that mainstream appeal that helped gain a bunch of new fans for the Bullet Club. And the fact that I think Matt likes me more, and Nick likes Kenny, it's all real. So why not have a match? Why not make it real?"

Cody will be facing Kenny Omega at Ring of Honor's Supercard of Honor pay-per-view on April 7th in New Orleans.

Source: FOX Sports

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