Monday, January 8, 2018


Shane Douglas attacked Luke Hawx in an angle to close the 1/6 Wildkat Sports event in Meisler, LA.  Douglas, who appeared unannounced, came in through the crowd and attacked Hawx during a match with Joe Keys after Hawx was sent to the floor.  Douglas was masked when he attacked Hawx and when he unveiled himself, some fans realized who he was immediately and others didn't realize and thought it was a legitimate fan attack.  The locker room hit the ring and Douglas was then stopped by police wielding batons and was "arrested" by local police, who were in fact, actual local police.   It was played up as a legitimate situation and part of the show, but was actually an excellently executed angle.   The back story here is that the two have publicly traded barbs about the other dating back to Rob Black's XPW and the Steve O'Neill Extreme Rising promotion.  The two recently settled their personal issues, opening up the doors to do this angle.  The promotion, of course, is claiming that Douglas' actions were not part of the show.   Hawx wrote on Facebook that he'd suffered broken ribs in the attack.  Obviously, this is all leading to a Douglas vs. Hawx match, either in April at Wrestlecon or the promotion's return to Philadelphia this summer.  You can see the video of the angle below:

The Wildkat Show was headlined by champion J. Spade facing Stevie Richards (a regular here) with Spade retaining in what was said to have been a nice brawl, including weapons after Billy Gunn interfered and laid out Richards with the Famouser.  Richards had knocked Gunn during his ring introduction at the onset of the match.   After the match, Bob Holly hit the ring and laid out all three, laying out a challenge for the promotion's return event in New Orleans at Wrestlecon on 4/5

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