Monday, January 29, 2018

REY MYSTERIO-WWE UPDATE (updated, alittle bit)

the Rey Mysterio return was just a one night appearance, although the monster pop he received certainly caught the attention of WWE management.
WWE and Mysterio have had off and on talks about a return over the last year, but the main bone of contention has been that WWE has wanted Mysterio back full-time while Mysterio, 43, would rather work a part-time schedule.

Mysterio appeared on the third season of Lucha Underground, but his deal with that series has expired.  He has had talks with Impact Wrestling and at one point, a deal to debut at the last set of Impact tapings brokered by Konnan was so close that travel arrangements had been made before the conversations ended without a deal.  Impact had been working on the idea of trying to get Mysterio to debut at their April tapings with the idea of debuting him at the 4/22 Redemption PPV.

Mysterio has also been training his son Dominick (the same boy who appeared during the Rey vs. Eddie Guerrero feud on Smackdown) for an in-ring return of late.

Rey remains a free agent as his Lucha Underground deal expired and his recent talks with Impact ended without a deal. The talks with Impact, led by Konnan, were so close to coming to a deal that travel arrangements were made. There was talk of Impact getting Rey to debut at the recent TV tapings but officials wanted Rey to debut at their April tapings with the idea of his in-ring debut coming at the April 22nd Redemption pay-per-view.

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