Friday, January 26, 2018

Indy things, Old Al Kassey Video and Jake Roberts.

NWL debuts tomorrow night at the Turner Rec Center in Kansas City with a six-way match for a shot at the NWL title, with Bolt Brady vs. Niles Plonk vs. Davey Vega vs. Leonel Howlett vs. Jet Royal vs. Mike Outlaw, plus ACH vs. Thor Theriot and Marti Belle vs. Hudson Envy.

Innovate Wrestling tomorrow night in Bristol, TN at the Patton-Crosswhite VFW with a ring ropes made of barbed wire death match with Travis Dykes vs. Toby Farley.

A video of Adnon Kaisy, before he was a Sheik in the AWA, wrestling Ian Campbell in Iraq when he was the top star in the country.

An interview with Jake Roberts promoting his one-man show. Said Roberts, “My stuff isn’t really comedy. It’s me telling things that happened, you know? Maybe Andre sitting on me and farting for 40 seconds, which was amazing. It’s unbelievable that anybody can fart that long., It was rude, it was crude, I’m just grateful I lived through it. That’s just very, very mild for what I go for. I go for the most insane stuff that would happen. There were some crazy things going on back in the day. I didn’t help the situation much with that damn snake around all the time, always getting me in trouble. It would show up in the craziest places, whether it be the shower, strip joint or whatever. The good thing is I have 38 years to pull from. There are a lot of stories to be told. A lot.”

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