Friday, January 26, 2018

Impact Wrestling news (for whatever it's really worth at this point) My comments included

Eddie Edwards stated yesterday that Impact would remain his home "for the foreseeable" future.  His current deal expires in February.

Alberto el Patron's deal expires in March, but given that he is locked in to headline the 4/22 Redemption PPV, it would appear the two sides have come to terms on some sort of extension.  Impact sources would not confirm that Patron has signed a new contract.

Impact will be filming a Moose vs. Alberto el Patron bout taking place this weekend for Future Stars of Wrestling in Las Vegas.

(hopefully it'll look better than the matches in Scott D'Amore's Border City Wrestling. The setting and lighting there looked atrocious at best.).

Bobby Lashley has been pulled from all scheduled Impact-related appearances.  He is free and clear to go anywhere he wants as of 2/1.  some have heard his next move is to concentrate on MMA fights, but one would think WWE would be interested.

Impact Wrestling promised that next week's episode would kick off a "new era" for the company:

(ANOTHER 'new era? I thought when Jarrett came back that was supposed to be the new era, when Jarrett was fired again they said new era, when Anthem dropped the GFW name, new era. way too many 'new era's being thrown around so instead of making promises? How about you start to actually DELIVER on them? HHHEYY, hell of a concept, eh?)

Impact's relationship with Crash in Mexico is done.

(Not like they went out of their way to actually promote the deal like they have with AAA. Impact kinda fucked Crash in the ass there.)


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