Saturday, January 27, 2018

House of Hardcore news

Watch House of Hardcore 37 from houseofhardcore on
Advancing in the House of Hardcore TV title tournament last night were Swoggle, Ken Doane, Dan Maff, Bull James, Alex Reynolds, Crazzy Steve, Killer Kross, Willie Mack and Austin Aries. The tournament will continue when the promotion returns on 3/24 to the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA.

There are plans to announce a return to Long Island, NY soon. My guess is it will be 3/23.

Backstage visiting last night were Dave Lagana (filming content for the NWA), Jeremy Borash (filming content for Impact), David Starr (a hell of a hand), Eric Young and Samoa Joe.

Tommy Dreamer was surprised by his students and staff all arriving wearing House of Hardcore polo shirts, which added a new level of professionalism to the show. The students had the shirts designed and made on their own.

The company will be running Wrestlemania eve in New Orleans as part of Wrestlecon.

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