Sunday, January 28, 2018

EC3 DISCUSSES WWE RETURN AND MORE (talk about kissing the butts of WWE, lol)

EC3 did an interview with ESPN about his return to NXT.

The former Impact champion said his reemergence on WWE television after leaving the company in 2013 was, "vindication. The moment was resolution.  I feel redeemed."

His journey coming back to the company:

"It's only been 1,714 days since the last time I stepped foot in the WWE -- but who's counting," EC3 said. "With each day that has passed, I've had one goal in mind -- and that was to be here, in this moment at this time for one purpose. Never once, without a shadow of a doubt, did I ever not believe in myself -- believe that I would come back. I came back with vigor and determination. I came back on a mission."

How he felt leading up to his on camera appearance in the crowd at last night's NXT Takeover: Philadelphia event:

 "It was built up in my mind, how it would feel and what emotions I would feel," EC3 said. "But walking out there, standing out there, with the crowd recognizing who I am -- who I truly am -- and that I'm truly where I belong, it didn't feel anything but right."

How he will stack up with the other big-name talent in NXT:

"For years outside of the WWE, I've been saying one thing -- that I'm the best here, I'm the best there, I'm the best anywhere," EC3 said. "While I was the best 'here' elsewhere, the 'there' I referenced was here [in the WWE] -- and that carries over. I'm the best here, I'm the best there, I'm the best anywhere..Competition? Bring it on. Competition? Come get a taste. Competition? I'm here.

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