Sunday, January 21, 2018

Another example of how I know more than Dave Scherer at PWInsider

The above pic is from Scherer's own letters section at PWInsider. He obviously doesn't even read his own webpage because his partner Mike Johnson posted several times that Russo helps Konnan write Aerolucha shows. Plus, one look at Russo's YouTube channel, one click on Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling's show and you'd see who? oh Vince Russo, who's been working there for several months.

Hell every time Rocky Mountain Pro posts a new show I post it here, I know more (again) than Dave Scherer? Mr. More Well known columnist than me? Damn, maybe she shouldn't be such a lazy ass and actually alittle bit of actual research like I do. I know what a concept but Scherer is more concerned with his pay walls than doing any actual fact finding on his own.

You can thank me for again knowing more than some of these 'bigger names' in wrestling journalism.

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