Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Watch PWInsider, Meltzer, Torch,etc play catch to me again on this. NWA suspends Jocephus after injuring NWA Worlds Champion Tim Storm

Published on Dec 4, 2017
The aftermath of the Jocephus vs. Tim Storm Match saw a vicious assault on the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion by the crazed Jocephus. The stipulation for the match called for no outside interference or weapons. In a hard fought victory, Tim Storm successfully fought back the challenge of Jocephus. Second after the bell rang, Jocephus assaulted Tim Storm and used a ladder to injure the ribs of the champion.

This breaking news bulletin just released by the NWA reveals the decision made by William Patrick Corgan as it announces the ramifications of this attack and the fallout. Both sides were reached out to for comment and also the status of Tim Storm’s next scheduled appearance at CZW is covered.

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