Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Concussion knocks Van Dam’s WWE Career on the head

Veteran ECW and WWE fighter Rob Van Dam’s professional career could be behind him due to a concussion sustained last year – at least, that is the explanation he has provided to estranged wife Sonya for his inability to meet her financial expectations in the latest round of divorce proceedings.

Van Dam has filed papers in the divorce court that paint a picture of a man whose life is a far cry from that of the glamorous wrestling superstar who has been gracing our screens and entertaining crowds since his debut in 1990. He claims that an injury sustained in his PCW Heavyweight Championship bout against Pentagón Jr at the Pacific Coast Wrestling event in Torrance, California, last November left him with a concussion that resulted in visual impairment and precluded him from further participation in the WWE.

Gambling on an uncertain future

Cynics might argue that Van Dam’s financial difficulties have come at a convenient moment as he attempts to negotiate financial settlement and maintenance terms with his soon to be ex wife. However, it casts genuine doubt on whether the crowd favourite will be seen in the ring again. The online bookmakers and casino sites at have certainly not ruled out the possibility after he put in a surprise appearance at Fear and Loathing X in Glasgow on 19 November, where he was defeated in a three-way elimination by Coventry-based wrestler Lionheart.

The mercy of the court

Van Dam backed up his claims with medical evidence, and the fact that he is now 46 and appears to be firmly restricted to the independent circuit certainly substantiates the contention that his best days are behind him.

He told the court that his income is “substantially reduced” due to both his medical condition and the fact that his WWE merchandising contract expired earlier this year and will not be renewed. He asked the judge to consider his precarious financial position and the fact that his estranged wife is capable of earning her own living before making a decision on his financial support obligations.

Away from the ring

Most pro sports stars spend longer in retirement than they do in the public eye, and the challenge for Van Dam now is to decide what to do with the rest of his life. The appearance at Fear and Loathing X showed a man who was wrestling as much against the sands of time as his opponent, and it was not an altogether comfortable sight for anyone.

He has made numerous television and film appearances over the years, including a memorable cameo in an episode of The X-Files, and has also performed voicework on several video games. However, when a sports star retires from the public eye, the phone soon stops ringing and the opportunities begin to dry up.

When all else fails, however, there is always reality TV, and according to his website, Van Dam’s latest project is to develop his own online show entitled RVD-TV. This is aimed at sharing his life outside wrestling with his fans and followers, and will be filmed at his California home.

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