Friday, December 1, 2017


During his appearance on Chris Jericho's podcast this week, former WWE Creative Team member Jimmy Jacobs revealed that he put himself in a 30 day rehab for a opiate addiction following Wrestlemania 33 earlier this year.  As we noted in our reporting of his departure at the time, Jacobs "had taken some time off to deal with a personal issue before returning to work this past summer, and that may have put a target on his back."  Rehab was the reason. 

Jacobs said that after he went through rehab, he didn't care as much about the job or about working for WWE and when asked if he was trying to get fired by taking a photo with the Young Bucks he commented he wasn't trying to get fired, but wasn't trying to not get fired either.

Maria Kanellis Bennett wrote an incredible blog on her Facebook page discussing the trials and tribulations when she learned about her husband Michael Kanellis revealing that he was struggling with prescription medication and needed help.  Here is an excerpt, but it's really worth reading the entire thing;

The day that everything changed, I was about 2 weeks pregnant. We, of course, didn’t know I was pregnant. We were supposed to go to Universal Studios, my favorite place ever, and Mike was not getting out of bed. I went to the gym. He was supposed to be ready to switch hotels for our mini vacation when I got back. I came back and he was still was in bed. I was frustrated and I didn’t think I could take it anymore. He promised he would be ready. He promised to have a fun day with me. And still, he laid in bed. I think about all the things, I did for him and I think I am finally ready to have the horrible talk about the D word. Finally, an hour later he brings his stuff down to the lobby. We head to lunch. I’m pissed and he is grumpy. It’s too late to go to Universal Studios and then he says he can’t afford a ticket to go tomorrow. WHAT? Now, going to Universal Studios and paying for a ticket may be understandable but the repeated failure to pay for things was not. Health insurance, rent, cable, gas, electric, or a grocery store run was usually paid for by me. What happened to equality? I was always the haughty woman that said she would never be with someone that treated her as, less than. And now this, something I looked forward to, I was done. Or I thought I was…

We fight, I cry, he gets real quiet.

“I don’t wanna die,” he says through tears. “I think I have a problem

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