Tuesday, December 5, 2017

For those who like this kind of stuff. Alberto Del Rio Talks Breakup With Paige And What Caused It

Alberto Del Rio and Paige have ended their relationship. Speaking on Keeping It 100 with Konnan, Del Rio broke his silence by confirming that he and his fiancé have been broken up for the last few weeks.

"We decided to end our relationship because she's in Orlando, I'm in San Antonio, and now she's back on the road and the schedule over there is nonstop, Del Rio said. "And my schedule is nonstop."

Paige made her return from over a year on medical leave last month on Raw. Besides wrestling for Impact as Alberto El Patron, Del Rio other projects include work with Telemundo, Mexico TV, Combate Americas, a clothing line and charity events.

"We were not seeing each other," Del Rio stated. "And because she was training and getting ready to go back, they were not letting her come to San Antonio. I couldn't go to Orlando because I have three little kids. I was coming home for two or three days and had to choose between going to Orlando or seeing my kids. Of course, I decided to stay with my kids."

After their relationship was made public in the early summer of 2016, they became engaged the following October. Though they ended their relationship some weeks ago, they agreed to keep it under wraps until now.

"We both agreed not to say absolutely anything because we got tired of the media, people, everyone, having an opinion about us. Including family."
As noted, a friend of Paige's uploaded a video confirming their relationship was over. Though they took it down soon after, Del Rio was questioned about it. Now that everything is out in the open, he's addressing the "incidents" involving law enforcement, specifically the one in Orlando which was rumored to involve a physical altercation between the two.

"That crap in Orlando, which is completely fake because nothing happened," Del Rio said. "I never hurt her, she never hurt me. It was just internet BS and people believing it."

Del Rio agrees that they both have strong tempers and that they are passionate in their actions and reactions. He says that he kept his silence on the issue in hopes to protect his then-future wife.

"I didn't say anything because, number one, I was already suspended. The company and their zero-tolerance thing had me thinking they were going to fire hire. And as you know, unfortunately for female wrestlers, it's impossible to exist or nearly impossible to exist outside of WWE."

"We had an amazing relationship," he continued. "We decided to do this because it was the best for our careers and for my kids."

The two have gone their separate ways and Del Rio claims that they ended on good terms.

"She wants the best for me. I want the best for her. I know she's going to be the most successful Diva in history."

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