Wednesday, December 20, 2017


WWN filed a new motion against the amended lawsuit that Flosports has brought against them, again requesting the lawsuit being dismissed, citing that the suit was filed in a venue (Texas) that lacks jurisdiction over WWNLive. It was very much the same filing thay had been shot down due to the amended complaint, arguing that the case should not be heard in Texas since Flosports were doing business with WWN in Florida, that the WWN business records and bank accounts are in the Sunshine State and that their only dealings in Texas were WWN President Sal Hamaoui traveling to Texas in October 2016 and January 2017, the first trip to meet with Flosports during the courtship period and the latter to sign the deal. WWN has yet to filed their expected counter-suit against Flosports.

The company today announced their own streaming "WWN CLUB" service as well on the website for $9.99 a month, allowing users complete access to events from eight different brands under the WWN umbrella, including EVOLVE, SHINE, Dragon Gate USA, FIP and Style Battle. The subscription will also allow 50% off iPPV orders going forward to specific events streaming live.  Those events will then be added to the Club service two weeks later for VOD streaming.  They will also be doing a point system that will reward those who make purchases with free content and discounts.

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