Saturday, December 9, 2017


Chaotic Wrestling

Lowell, MA

December 8, 2017

Today is the end of an era for Chaotic Wrestling as new owners Brian Fury and a silent partner take over the promotion on January 1st.  They go out with a bang as huge crowd favorite Mike Verna goes for the Chaotic Title against newly minted heel champion Elia Markopolous.  In addition, Josh Briggs defends his New England Title against “All Ego” Ethan Page.  It should be a hell of a night.

MATCH ONE: The Logan Brothers (Matt & Bryan) v. The Maine State Posse (Aiden Aggro & Danger Kid)

This match was okay.  The Maine State Posse have potential as a high flying team, but a lot of their set ups to their high spots were done too slowly and made them seem convoluted.  It also put the Logans in the awkward spot of having to stand around and just wait for them to fly onto them.  If they tighten things up they can be very good.  Other than that, the match was fine.  The finish came when the MSP had the win and Chase Del Monte came out and pulled the ref from the ring.  That allowed the Logans to throw powder in Aggro’s face to get the win.

WINNERS: The Logan Brothers

MATCH TWO: Triple Threat Match – Chase Del Monte v. Maxwell Jacob Friedman v. Brett Domino

Del Monte was the ring announcer for the match.  He said if MJF were here he would punch him in the face.  This brought MJF out and he and Chase had a funny back and forth.  This brought out Domino who also had a mic, which MJF pointed out, “I’m pretty sure you have no charisma, who gave you a mic?”  Domino called them both cheaters and pieces of garbage.  No nonsense from the white meat babyface.

Lots of comedy in this one as MJF & Del Monte were wrestling’s version of The Wet Bandits to Brett Domino’s Kevin McCallister.  MJF and Del Monte kept trying to team up on Domino and kept failing with comedic results.

Eventually, Harry & Marv turned on each other and Del Monte pinned MJF after the Cradle 2 The Grave piledriver.  Fun match for what it was.

WINNER: Chase Del Monte

MATCH THREE: Killanova, Inc. (Christian Casanova & Tripilicious) v. Scotty Slade & “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas

This was a mystery partner situation with Slade coming out first and Milonas getting a great reaction when his music hit.

Decent, by-the-numbers tag match.  Everyone played their part well.  The finish saw Tripilicious pin Slade with a roll-up and a hand full of tights.  After the match, Casanova went to hit Slade with a chain around his fist. Slade ducked and Tripilicious got decked.  Slade and Milonas then dropped Casanova to stand tall.  During the match, the lights went out for a few seconds, which I think might mean something for down the line.

WINNERS: Killanova, Inc.

MATCH FOUR: New England Championship – Josh Briggs (c) v. “All Ego” Ethan Page

Good match.  Briggs is continuing to get a lot of work all over the place and improve, but he’s not fully connecting with the crowd yet in regards to being a babyface.  It showed tonight as the crowd was halfheartedly into his comeback.  Ego did a great job in his role, but the Chaotic crowds are very much into “their” people, so he didn’t get the reaction I felt he deserved.

Briggs got the win with the I Hope You Die (reverse Razor’s Edge into a Falcon Arrow).

WINNER: Josh Briggs


MATCH FIVE: Chaotic Tag Team Championship – “All Good” Anthony Greene (c) v. The Amazing Graysons (JP & Tommy)

After Greene turned on his long-time partner Cam Zagami a couple of months ago, he has declared himself the tag team champion by himself.

The match itself was fine.  The issue is from a booking standpoint. Greene is a heel beating teams by himself, so the babyface teams he’s beating look like inept geeks.  Greene isn’t getting heat from it, and the babyfaces looking weak.

WINNER: “All Good” Anthony Greene

MATCH SIX: Chaotic Women’s Championship – Ashley Vox (c) v. Delmi Exo

It’s sister versus sister as Exo won a number one contender’s match last month to earn the shot.

Decent back and forth stuff to start.  No establishment of a heel or babyface so the crowd had no investment in it.  No shine or heat and they just suddenly ended up in nearfalls a couple of minutes into it.  Then at one point they got to their feet and just stared at each other awkwardly for about ten seconds.  This was a little rough.

The finish saw Vox get the pin even though Exo’s foot was on the rope.

WINNER: Ashley Vox

“The Firebrand” Brian Fury came out to the ring to a great ovation and a “Welcome Back!” chant.  He said he was glad that Chaotic had found a new home in Lowell.  He then announced that the owners Mark “Adult” Beaudry and Jamie Jamitkowski had sold the promotion and thanked them and asked the crowd to join him in thanking them.  He then said he had one more thing to say: “I’m the new owner of Chaotic Wrestling!” That got a standing ovation.  Great segment.

MAIN EVENT: Chaotic Heavyweight Championship – Elia Markopolous (c) v. Mike Verna

Sans a couple of really scary looking bumps, this was a fantastic, slow-burn main event that was all about character and building a story.  Elia was tremendous as the heel in building genuine heat and hatred toward him from the crowd.  The finish saw when Elia got a belt shot to Verna when the ref was turned around.  Really great match.

Afterwards, Assistant GM Avery Forrestall came out.  He’s a 15-year old trainee from the New England Pro Wrestling Academy who is a two-time cancer survivor and a very inspiring story.  He came out to try and restart the match, but when he turned around, Elia gave him a really brutal kick to the chest and dropped him.  It was brutal looking.  The show ended as the locker room came out to check on Avery, who got to his feet eventually.  But a great way to establish Elia as a scumbag heel.

A fun show from Chaotic with a great main event. The final segment is worth searching out.

Check them out online @ChaoticWrestlin

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