Monday, December 11, 2017


Beyond Wrestling “Cold Brew”

December 10, 2017

Melrose, MA

It’s a doubleheader with EVOLVE and Beyond loaded up the card with a few huge matches.  This venue is always different for Beyond as they are required to have seats and guardrails here so the vibe is different, but with the level of talent on the show, it should still be a killer show.

MATCH ONE: “The Product” David Starr vs. WALTER

Killer opener.  WALTER spent the majority tossing Starr around and building the heat for Starr’s fire up and comeback.  This was a main event level match and the crowd was on fire.  Really well done.  WALTER got the win with the Steiner Screwdriver.  After the match, they teased dissention and instead shook hands.


MATCH TWO: Cam Zagami & “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas vs. Brick Mastone & “All Good” Anthony Greene (with Mikey Webb)

The match didn’t go very long before Webb was so overcome with rage that he came into the ring and attacked Milonas.  This match was to further push the ongoing feud between Webb and Zagami.  Eventually, he turned on Greene and Brick because he was so enraged.  Before the DQ, it was entertaining and everyone involved did some fun stuff.

WINNERS: Cam Zagami & Brian Milonas via DQ

MATCH THREE: Tournament For Tomorrow Semi-Finals – Wheeler Yuta vs. “Man of Steel” Mike Verna (with Dan Barry, Rex Lawless & Ryan Galeone)

Really good match that took its time to develop and breath.  Yuta is quickly becoming one of the most exciting talents on the independents and is really great as a babyface.  Mostly a back and forth match.  Barry, Lawless and Galeone got involved at one point.  The finish came with a roll-up by Yuta that got a great pop from the crowd.

WINNER: Wheeler Yuta

MATCH FOUR: American Strong (Jay Freddie & Rory Gulak) vs The Amityville Project (Ryan Galeone & Rex Lawless with Barry & Verna)

They went right into this match.  Lawless and Galeone jumped Yuta after the match and Freddie & Gulak made the save.  This was under Tornado Rules.

Freddie & Gulak had a double tap out, but Verna had the ref distracted.  They also had a pin on Lawless when Barry pulled the ref out. Yuta stayed at ringside and helped Freddie & Gulak. Finish saw Galeone pin Gulak with a Last Ride powerbomb.  Pretty decent match.

WINNERS: The Amityville Project

MATCH FIVE: Matt Riddle vs. Martin Stone

An absolute clinic in what wrestling can and should be.  Between the intensity and the believability, this was a joy to watch.  Go out of your way to watch this one.  The finish saw Riddle get the win with the Bromission.

WINNER: Matt Riddle


MATCH SIX: AR Fox & Austin Theory vs Zenshi & Brandon Watts

Probably the best possible post-intemission match you could have in that it was non-stop high flying action that got the crowd pumped up.  No psychology or selling, but it got the crowd back up to where they needed to be.

Watts looked to have Fox beat with a frog splash elbow, but Zenshi tried to make the cover.  That got Watts mad and he broke the pin up.  They argued and Watts pushed Zenshi into a roll-up by Fox for the win.

WINNERS: AR Fox & Austin Theory

MATCH SEVEN: Tournament For Tomorrow Semi-Finals – Ace Romero vs. Josh Briggs

MJF was injured at CZW last night, so Romero was a surprise replacement.

Hot and heavy from the start.  They ended up trading big moves throughout, which was the story they were going for: can you top this?  The finish came when Romero hit a huge lariat for the upset.  The crowd was very surprised as Briggs beat Romero earlier in the tournament.  I thought the match was good and was better than their first go around in the tournament.

WINNER: Ace Romero

MATCH EIGHT: Darby Allin vs. John Silver

Really great match.  It told the story of Darby’s reckless abandon and high flying attack against Silver’s hard hitting style.  Silver has been on a losing streak in Beyond and it continued here as Darby got the win with a figure four style pinning combination.  After the match, Silver attacked Darby and took him out with a punt.  Silver continues to be one of the most underrated and underutilized talents on the independents and that was on display here.  Allin continues to be one of the more compelling characters on the indies.

WINNER: Darby Allin

MAIN EVENT: Keith Lee vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela

This was a really great main event.  It was a story of two guys who are really over with the crowd going in and not having to kill themselves to get reactions.  Keith Lee got the win with the fireman’s carry into a Jackhammer.

WINNER: Keith Lee

As Rich Palladino was thanking the crowd for coming, Chris Dickinson & Jaka came out.  Dickinson cut a promo saying the show isn’t over and he called out EYFBO for turning on them last month.  They came out and they started to brawl.  The entire locker room emptied and they kept getting at each other. After they were all separated and EYFBO were leaving, Dickinson challenged them for New Year’s Eye in Worcester for a TLC Match.  Great segment to end the show.

Overall, this was an outstanding show that had a great mix of everything and was a tremendous go-home show for New Year’s Eve.

Follow them online @BeyondWrestling

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