Tuesday, November 21, 2017

PWInsider plays catch up to me again and, They LIE to the people who view their webpage.

Last night I posted the two latest videos on NWA World Champion Tim Storm. I posted it BEFORE PWInsider, Torch, Observer and everyone else (which has been the usual). HERE you can see how they're playing catch up to me with them making an announcement of the videos. 


In this announcement they 'claim' "As noted here last night at PWInsider.com" BUT.. if you go to their main webpage? https://www.pwinsider.com/ There's NO ANNOUNCEMENT from last night to be found.

So in essence Mike Johnson of PWInsider is full of shit. Isn't it nice to know that certain 'big name' wrestling sites outright lie to the very people who visit their site? Someone should email Mike Johnson and ask him why he's blatantly lying like that for.

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