Sunday, November 19, 2017

Letter I read somewhere, and I agree with most of it.

A subject that often comes up is the question of logic with regard to booking e.g. "What happened to the 30 day title defence rule?" or "Why are Ziggler and Roode suddenly on the same side when they've been beating the tar out of one another for the last several weeks?". Episodic TV shows used to, and may well still do, have someone on the staff whose responsibility was "continuity" i.e. making sure that the script didn't suddenly become nonsensical like someone being in a different place without some explanation of how they got there or being dressed differently. Should WWE be doing this sort of thing, or don't they care? Or does Vince consider that to be beneath his product? After all, if he considers it to be "entertainment", shouldn't it be produced as such?

If you ask me?  Oh yeah I think that they should have a continuity person.  I have been saying that for years.  However, Vince McMahon doesn’t think that they need one so that is the way it is.

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