Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kazarian injured, Daniels suffers mild burns at ROH weekend shows

Both Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian were injured at Ring of Honor events in Texas this weekend.

Kazarian took a bad bump taking the Indytaker move, a spike piledriver, during the finish of Friday night's main event in San Antonio, a match with The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes & Stephen Amell vs. Daniels, Kazarian, Scorpio Sky & Flip Gordon. Kazarian didn't work last night in Dallas, and flew back home to California before the show. It was thought on Friday to have been a possible stinger.

Daniels suffered mild burns last night in Dallas from a spot where he took a powerbomb through a flaming table. Cody defeated Daniels in a Texas Death Match to retain the ROH World Championship at the show.

Those at ROH believe the injury to Kazarian is not serious, but he won't be on tonight's show in Oklahoma City. The belief is that Daniels will be able to work tonight's show.

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