Monday, November 20, 2017


An update on Kamala.  We are told by a source close to the family that the former WWE star underwent surgery due to some diabetic complications, including fluid in his lungs on Sunday.  He had been dealing with some health issues in the days leading up to this past weekend.

Several sources have been told that yesterday, things looked really scary but over the course of today, Kamala showed some improvement, was able to open his eyes and was a little more alert than he had been.

Kamala is still heavily medicated and on a ventilator but the hope is that as they take him off the medication, he will continue to be more responsive and they can then work on getting him off the ventilator.

Obviously, it is still touch and go at the moment so keep Kamala and the Harris family in your thoughts.  He's not out of the woods yet.

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