Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jerry Lawler On Most Difficult WrestleMania Celebrity, Vince McMahon Instructing Commentators

Recently on The Ross Report, 'Good Ol' J.R.' Jim Ross interviewed his former WWE announce partner, Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Among many other things, Lawler talked about the most difficult celebrity guest at WrestleMania. Additionally, Lawler shared a story about confronting WWE Commentator Michael Cole for a less than flattering call.

In Lawler's estimation, Aretha Franklin was the most difficult celebrity to deal with at WrestleMania. 'The King' went on to describe 'The Queen Of Soul' as a royal pain.
"Aretha Franklin is still alive. Remember what a pain in the butt she was at WrestleMania that year? Oh my gosh! Way passed her glory days, but still the biggest diva that we'd ever seen. Very high maintenance, Aretha Franklin."

Also during the podcast, Lawler shared a story about how he chewed out Michael Cole for saying that 'The King' had suffered "anal bleeding" from a slam delivered by Mark Henry. Apparently, Cole told the legend of Memphis pro wrestling that the call was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's idea.

"We could do a whole show about the things we know that Vince either told [Ross] to say or told Michael Cole to say. The most embarrassing one that I can remember, and later on I went to him and I went, 'what the hell, man?' and he said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it. I swear. You know I never would have thought about it.' And it was the time Mark Henry picked me up, and I don't know if I was wrestling Mark or what happened, but anyway, he picked me up and slammed me through the announce table and they carried me out or whatever. And then, after the break, he said, 'we want to give you an update on 'The King'. He's not doing too well' and then he says, 'he's suffering from anal bleeding.' So that's when I went to Cole afterwards and said, 'what the hell are you doing.' He said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it.'"

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