Monday, November 6, 2017

Instead of showing how they are different? You get the same old Bullshit Booking Impact Wrestling always does.

Here's a comparison that nothing changes if nothing REALLY changes.

Bound for Glory 2007. It was a great show from top to bottom but then in the end, there was bullsh** interference from Kevin Nash ruining a Sting vs. Kurt Angle main event. The inteference didn't enhance the match, it just ruined the overall experience that was the rest of the show. It didn't further the main event. It didn't further any real storyline, it was just a bullsh** out. It took a crowd that was having a great time and left them less than enthused walking out, because the last thing the fans remember is what they see before the show ends.

A decade later, there is no Vince Russo, no Jeff Jarrett, no Dixie Carter to point the finger at and place the blame on, yet the company did the exact same thing they always do anytime they have any hope of trying to show the world things are different. Thing aren't different and let's all face it, they won't be a year from now - and Impact have no one to blame but themselves, because every person who took the heat and was blamed for these decisions in the past is nowhere near Impact right now. It was just another bullsh** out.

It was just another bullsh** finish to another bullsh** PPV and even worse, it was the same old crap when the company needs, NEEDS, NEEDS to not be the same old crap all over again. The only ones this company are going to be bullsh**ing if they keep this up is themselves, because with each passing repeat, they lose more and more of the fan base that is left - and that fan base is a small percentage of what they had three years ago. Doing the same old angles and finishes that WWE has done to death forever won't fix that, but at this point, what the hell will fix that?

I know someone in the company will be emailing me, tonight to tell me how I am being unfair. I am not and before anyone calls, I ask them this question - when's the last time Vince McMahon completely F***ed his audience on a Wrestlemania main event? This was your Wrestlemania. You should have treated the main event like that, not a Nitro from 2000.

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