Tuesday, October 31, 2017

These two letters (and answers) say all there needs to say about how lame and bad WWE booking is...

I get that Vince likes to do the RAW vs. Smackdown angle at Survivor series, which seems to be turning into a yearly occurence.  But why are we, the fans, expected to just accept that the heels and faces are now working together on the same team?  For example, why are guys like Ziggler and Roode all of a sudden friends after feuding for the past several months?  And why are guys all of a sudden attacking their friends just because they happen to be on the other roster?

Because that is how WWE creative books it.  Seriously, they don’t care about logic holes.  Hell, they don’t even explain them much of the time.  They see the product as they give you what they want you to see.

Is it just me? Last night, when SD invaded Raw, the announcers kept talking about how the "entire SD roster" was there. When it clearly was not! Who do they think they are fooling? Why do they say such things when it is so clear that they are not true?

Thee fact of the matter is that in WWE’s world, the truth is whatever they say it is.  Always has been, always will be.

And this is one of the many reasons why, I refuse to watch WWE programming.

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