Sunday, October 29, 2017

Maybe PWInsider shouldn't be quick to report false stories....

From the F4/WON Webpage.
Regarding two notes on Don Callis yesterday, PWInsider reported yesterday that Callis was leaving New Japan and would be coming to Impact. Callis denied it, saying he was going to Osaka this coming weekend and wouldn't be at Bound for Glory or the Impact TV tapings. There is smoke in the sense this isn't a made up story or one where there's no substance to it, but Callis said that he will be with New Japan as long as they want him.They also reported Tessa Blanchard to Impact which those at Impact have denied to us. They reported Sami Callihan to Impact, which last we heard was scheduled for the next tapings, and talks with Ricochet. As noted by us many times, everyone has made an offer for Ricochet, who becomes a free agent in mid-January. But we're told he turned down the Impact offer...


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