Sunday, October 8, 2017

AAW Results

AAW from last night in LaSalle, IL before 375 fans, the largest crowd they've done in that building: Samantha Heights b Allie Kat, Curt Stallion b Chuck Taylor, Eddie Kingston b Mike Hartenbower, Jake Something & Brubaker b Zero Gravity, AR Fox b Sami Callihan (said to be great), Trey Miguel & Stephen Wolf won over Paco & Ace Perry and Connor Braxton & Cody Rice, Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz b Devin & Mason Cutter to keep tag titles, Rachael Ellering b Sienna in the women's title tournament, Candice LeRae b Britt Baker in the women's title tournament, Keith Lee & Shane Strickland b Michael Elgin & Myron Reed in what was said to be a great match, Rey Fenix b Penta 0M to keep the AAW title in what was also said to be a great match.

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