Monday, January 23, 2023

International Grand Prix Wrestling (February 28th 1974)


Bill Walkowitz

Giles Poisson vs Dino Bravo

Don Leo Jonathan interview

Tarzan Tyler & The UFO (Bob Della Serra) vs Emile Dupree & Andre Pelletier 

Eddie Creachman interview

Edouard Carpentier vs The Destroyer (not Dick Beyer) - Destroyer is unmasked so I won't spoil the identity

Gino Brito & Dino Bravo interview

Arm Wrestling: Roy Callendar vs Michele ?

Tokyo Joe,  Leronix LeGaulois & Patronix LeGaulois vs War Eagle, Serge Dumont & Edouard Ethifier 

Tarzan Tyler & Giles Poisson interview

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