Saturday, March 12, 2022

SO, Who Got the Story WRONG This Week? LMAO!


By Bill Walkowitz

Apparently A LOT of you so called 'wrestling news experts' got the William Regal health issues story wrong. But you know who WASN'T on this list?

 That's right, Wrestling Past And Present didn't join the list of morons who ONCE AGAIN, took their messiah Meltzer's word as gospel and wound up looking like complete idiots again.

I'm glad that subscription to the Wrestling Observer has been coming in handy for you (Sarcastic 'thumbs up').

What's even funnier is you people actually PAY Meltzer for this bad information, you hand over your hard earned money just so he can 'speculate', guess, and wave the magic 8 ball and hope that he doesn't get caught making shit up. The fact you pay Meltzer for a subscription so you're paying him to give you bad information and you do it with a big smile on your faces (shakes head).

I bet that makes you feel real good right about now, don't it. 

I'm sure some "Meltzer Mark" somewhere is gonna try and scrape up some sort of rationalization and justification for kneeling at the alter of Meltzer, and sucking up his bad stories that you people go use on your respected sites. Then you have to run and scrape up corrections when you find out he got it wrong again. I'd love to hear the logic and reasoning behind standing by that failed philosophy.

And this comes on the heels of a story I did on this very same subject, EXACTLY ONE WEEK AGO! It looks like ol Dave's on a roll with these failed stories. He keeps this up I might be able to have a weekly segment covering this topic (smiles).

Let's take a look at the list of people who fucked up and again thought Meltzer's words were facts when they were indeed fiction, shall we? 

I can keep adding more as these all were sent to me all throughout yesterday. That just goes to show you, just how many dumb asses again took Meltzer's fiction for fact and in the end look stupid again, for doing so.

With the link shown for WrestlingInc, to be fair if you clicked that link it went to a Marc Middleton story where the earlier story was corrected. But the flip side of that is, and I'm sure people will say that all these places have corrected their story BUT.. the flip side IS, you wouldn't have HAD TO go and correct your story if you didn't take Meltzer's made up material in the first place.

Meltzer makes things up, and you all are dumb enough to pay to read it so you can use it on your sites. let THAT, sink in.

So hey Dave, by all means keep this up, keep making up false stories and getting busted for it. I'll continue to enjoy writing stories like this because stories like this, write themselves. The more you keep screwing up the more I'll have a regular writing segment here at WP&P, so by all means keep going with that.

That's the nice thing about Wrestling Past And Present, WWEE, don't have to go and correct stuff like you all do because WWEEE, don't have to rely on a lying Dave Meltzer (Or Mike Johnson at PWInsider as we've busted him on falsely advertising things over and over again) for stuff to post here. THAT is one of the many things that has us here at WP&P truly stand out over all the other wrestling news sites.

So, I wonder, how many of you are gonna get a story wrong, NEXT WEEK?

I look forward to seeing who does just so I can write another story, like this (smiles wide). 

Special thanks to Stephen Rodgers, Jack Reynolds, WP&P's own Donnie Henderson, John Schultz and a staff member of WrestlingInc (whose name won't be revealed) for contributing material for this story. 

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