Saturday, March 12, 2022

Booker T On Tony Khan’s Decision To Book ROH: "Why would you want to do something like that?"


During the latest episode of Booker T’s Hall Of Fame podcast, Booker T spoke about Tony Khan announcing that he as new owner of Ring of Honor, he's now going to book, Ring Of Honor.

"Well, I don’t understand the idea of Tony Khan saying he’s going to book the shows at ROH,” Booker T said. “Because you’ve already got a company over here. Why would you want to do something like that, first of all? There again, it’s just going to be us doing shows. Why do something like that when you’ve got a company over here that does shows? I don’t get it, I don’t understand it. But maybe here in the future, we will all know exactly what the hell is going on.”

“With wrestling, there again, when I have just about every wrestler under my banner out there on my programming, which is AEW, why would I try to fuel another roster? That’s what I am talking about,” he said. “That part right there is the hardest part, I think, in wrestling, creating the show through and having really, really good wrestlers on the show. When you’ve got them all, what are you going to get them? That’s the question. I am just trying to figure this thing out.”

It's really easy to figure out because what's already been figured out is Tony Khan is taking on way too much. With booking two TV shows and the YouTube shows, al of which are a headache to watch from beginning to end because there's so much garbage filled in between the very few good things on it it's apparent and well documented that Tony has no experience at booking and nobody in AEW has the guts to tell him the truth. He's as our head writer Bill Walkowitz has put it, "Meltzer's billionaire booker of the year" who really has no iota what he's doing. A lot of what he does is throwing oatmeal against a wall and hoping it sticks. 

But because the people who have experience, would rather just keep milking Tony for a paycheck, they'd rather watch him book a lot of nonsense that makes no sense, or takes too long to get over, if it does even get over, instead of getting honest with the monkey mark who's "playing" booker. 

What you're already seeing with Khan booking AEW is what you're most likely going to see when he starts booking Ring of Honor, more of what he's doing with AEW and not much else. 

When that happens and you see it's no different than AEW's product you can come on over and message me to tell me and the staff here at WP&P that we called it, that we were right on the money with it. because he's proven he has no idea what he's doing but, he's going to insist he keeps on doing it anyway. 

That's your Ring of Honor future, hope you're ready for more of the same because that's exactly, what you're going to get. 

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