Friday, January 7, 2022

LMAO! Get A Load Of This Bullsh*t- WWE Reportedly Adds "Pay Per View" To List Of Banned Phrases

 Micromanaging at it's lamest, right here.

They sure know how to micromanage all the wrong things, but can't micromanage the shit they NEED to micromanage.

Like Manage to make a product more watchable again. HEY, now there's a fucking concept, eh?

Guess they're not capable of doing that, SO.. You get this weak shit instead.

WWE is no longer using the “pay-per-view” term. Last Saturday’s WWE Day 1 pay-per-view was billed as the inaugural WWE Premium Live Event. WWE began using “Premium Live Event” in their various website articles and tweets related to the event.

Now word from various places is that “pay-per-view” and “PPV” have been banned. This goes for commentary and elsewhere.

If THAT, isn't some of the DUMBEST shit they could ever come up with, LOL.

WWE actually used “premium live event” back in October when they announced several 2022 events, but there was a strong focus put on the use of “Premium Live Event” this past weekend with Day 1.

Nothing 'premium' about anything they've done in over ten fucking years, but of course THEY, don't wanna see or hear that. :)

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