Saturday, August 17, 2019

Shawn Spears Surprises Cody Rhodes And MJF At Indie Event

C*4 Wrestling Fighting Back 9 (a charity event that raised over 50k for the Canadian Cancer Society) took place in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada last night. At the show, Cody and MJF teamed up to take on Tabarnak De Team (Mathieu St. Jacques & Thomas Dubois).
After the match, MJF went to head to the back and got punched by Shawn Spears. Spears slowly made his way to the ring where Cody was and the two brawled for a bit, then Spears grabbed a chair as he looked to take out Cody again. MJF got back in the ring and took the chair away, Cody attempted a Cross Rhodes on Spears, but he fought out of it and got out of the ring.
Being Cody's friend, MJF has made it clear he's not happy with Spears' nasty chairshot to Cody's head at AEW Fyter Fest in June.
Spears and Cody will meet at AEW All Out on August 31 in Chicago at the Sears Centre.

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