Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Hey Bryan Rose (Wrestling Observer) How Is It That A Wrestler Is Going To Make His "AEW" Debut, On An MLW Show? (Updated- 4/9/24 10:45 PM)


Update 4/9/24 10:45 PM

Well well, it only took Bryan a little over FOUR HOURS to finally fix this. Scroll down and you'll see he finally corrected it.

Gee, wonder what made him fix it? Could it be something we said? (smiles)

I'd love to hear the logic behind this buffoonery, LMAO!

You had one job, get the story right. Guess you couldn't even do that, eh?

"makes his 'AEW Debut' on an MLW show", aaaahahahahahahahahahahaha.

"Top notch" journalism there, give yourself the "Dave Meltzer five star rating" for this LOL!

You just can't make this kind of shit up, you just can't (smiles).

Here's his correction, that took him over FOUR HOURS to finally get around to doing.


Scott Travis said...

You do have some reach don't you. You embarrassed him enough to make the correction. He obviously saw this story or he wouldn't have fixed it. Nice job again WP&P.

Karen Shaw said...

In one week you nail PWInsider, Sabu and The Wrestling Observer. I heard people call this the 'clickbait' site, judging by the posts it's more calling people out over being 'clickbait'. If this is clickbait then I'll take it. I'm a first timer to this site and I also like the actual wrestling you post here. I bookmarked this site. I'll be returning often.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Thank you, please do. We just report the things other sites don't, and won't. Since you are now a fan of this site all that means is that we're doing something right here. (smiles).