Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Apparently The Globe Theater in Los Angeles Is Closed (Again)

Thankfully this site wasn't one of the many who DM'd him for the scoop, the news was already out tere and we grabbed it, BEFORE anyone else. 

Prestige Wrestling went thru this last month as The Globe had closed, then reopened, claiming it would be "Open For Years to come."

Well that was total bullshit because as you can see above, Prestige Wrestling has had to move a show, AGAIN. Now they've moved to a permanent place from here on out. Obviously The Globe won't be open 'for years to come' as if you look at their social media pages, THIS is what you get.

Their official website? Gone, 'sseee ya."

Facebook page?

Yeah that hit the bricks as well. 

Their Twitter/X page hasn't been updated in a couple years so that's useless as fuck as well.

At least NOW, Prestige Wrestling has a new home and can move on from this mess that's all the fault of whoever was owning and running The Globe Theater. 


Alex Hayes said...

A story where the name Dave Meltzer or F4/WON isn't referenced. You actually go and get your own stories. That's refreshing since the other sites I go to always reference someone else and don't have any original content of their own.

Sandra Wolinski said...

Another story the big name sites haven't covered (yet). Little by little tis is becoming a go to site because every day, you post way more about wrestling than the other sites do. Thank you for that, really.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

You're welcome (smiles).

Stephen Rizzo said...

Joseph Currier at Meltzer's site mentioned this in the Daily Update, as you can guess he sure didn't credit you for reporting it first.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Of course he didn't (smiles), of course he didn't.

Jack Reynolds said...

I heard a rumor today from a friend of mine who's a member of PWI's Elite subscription. I heard on the We Don't Need No Stinking Name Show that Mike Johnson was pissed off and bitching nonstop, Scherer couldn't get a word in and one of the reasons Mike was pissed is because of what this site does. How you've broke stories before he could and because you let it be known you got the story before him and others, he's angry. I don't know if it's true I don't subscribe to it and you have to be a subscriber to hear it, but that's the word.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I'm laughing out oud because that's so predictable. Johnson and Scherer are such pussies they won't respond to anything except when they get their little show together. Because they can safely hide behind their show and not have to deal with being called out.

That's been their tactic for years, they do it when they get called out for Mike scamming those same subscribers, they hid behind that show when they found out they were reported to the Better Business Bureau because, Mike was caught scamming those subscribers, over and over again.

Scherer even admitted he's a coward ( I can provide proof of that) so Mike Johnson hiding behind that little show again is nothing new, just more of the same when someone like him shows, he has no balls. You can tell him and Scherer I said that.