Tuesday, November 14, 2023

THIS Is The Latest Example Of Why I Don't Engage With Many Marks


This was sent to me over the last couple of days and all I could do really was shake my head at this. THIS unfortunately is what you see more of when it comes to day's wrestling 'marks'. This kind of behavior and utter stupidity by them making themselves look like total dumb shits, when they think they can brace up on someone and get verbally clobbered with ease as a result.

God knows how many times, on a weekly basis I made posts like this showing how I put 'marks' in their place and how easy they got 'checked' by me with literally, no effort whatsoever needed to do it. I had stopped for the most part engaging with them because this, is the level of I.Q. and mentality I kept coming across. You verbally slap one down, and then two more acting and reacting the same way would come crawling out of the woodwork. There's just too many dumb ass 'marks' out there now, and here's two latest examples of what the current wrestling 'mark' seems to be now.

This first example comes from the Wrestlinginc Facebook page. You'll see how the irony of this idiot being on a 'dirt sheet' page talking about dirt sheets not always being right gets called out and he quickly gets silenced.

The next one comes from the Wrestling Observer (WON/F4W) FB page. The fact this ass clown kept claiming he 'won' but every time he got called out on 'what did you win' and he couldn't give an answer is the prime example of the stupidity and mentality of 'marks' today. "I win", what did you win? "A duh, I win" says it all. Plus having to hide behind GIFS as a reply shows you have no intelligence on how to truly argue or reply, it's a copout showing you know you're getting your ass verbally kicked and you just aren't capable of doing anything about it.

It is notable to say that after Donnie turned the tables on this moron's snowflake GIF, the guy blocked Donnie, LMAO. 

You brace a guy, the guy you braced continuously runs rings around you and after you try and pull a 'snowflake' card and have slap you back in the face, you run and hide behind a block like a little bitch, LMAO! 

Yep, these are the wrestling 'marks' of today, aren't you glad you get to be among them? (smiles). 


Jake Richardson said...

We're not all like that but I get what you're saying, I see this same trend too. There's also the ones who swear they're right and when you give them the proof they're wrong they still say they're right. I get why you won't talk to many fans, when you see this time and time again it just shows that bad stereotype that's labeled on wrestling fans. These two doofuses don't help either.

Duane Henderson said...

The marks today are so immature and ignorant I don't blame you for not wanting to interact with them. I see how so many act just like what you showed here and my first thought is "what are you, ten years old and in fifth grade in school?" I love how John Moss got called out for saying dirt sheets aren't always right on a known dirt sheet page. That was perfect and the fact he has yet to even try to replay to it says he knew he just got buried. Perfectly played.