Thursday, June 15, 2023

(Updated 6-16-23 6:45 PM) When The Current Era Of People Alleging To Be In The Wrestling Business Show Their Ignorance


It's always so amusing when someone like myself makes a simple yet, honest reply based in truth, how the current era of guys alleging to be in the wrestling business show their ignorance and prove me right.The replies to what I said re-enforced everything that's wrong about the current of 'wrestler' now, and yet these dumb shits keep doing it to themselves, because they don't know how to keep their mouths shut.

Now I met Bob Evans back in 1998-99 when he was wrestling for the Eastern Wrestling Alliance (back then it was based in Maine and I also was working for that company as well), I chatted with him and picked his brain as I have done with guys like the late Walter 'Killer' Kowalski, Mike Hollow (who was head trainer at Kowalski's school at the time),Dory Funk Jr, Jim Cornette, Bruce and Time Prichard when they appeared on WWA New England shows (another company I had worked for), and the late Sylvano Sousa (who gave me my break into the business when he was running his Atlantic Wrestling Federation). Because that's what you do when you want legitimate knowledge about the business, you go to the guys who have laid the ground work, and in Prichard's and Evans' case, STILL lay the ground work to this day. true knowledge by true experts who know what the fuck they're talking about.

So when I see something that Bob posts that sparks an interest I read it and if there's a reason to reply, I do. I mean let's put it pout there, lord knows i have MANY times. Most of today's modern or current wrestling is the shits, it's the shits because too many guys keep doing the same ol same ol moves, too many 'wrestlers' do the same flip flip, 'no sell' routine and most guys aren't capable of telling a story within their match. That's the honest truth and you see it in AEW, Impact, even WWE as well as many different indy groups haver that "I gotta get all my shit in" guys who either can't sell properly because they weren't trained to do it correctly, OR, they simply feel that 'selling' correctly is something that's beneath them and don't see a need for it to be done. 

So it doesn't surprise me at all when I make a reply like you'll see in the screen shots, and then see the wannabe experts who are the current era of wrestler reiterate the ignorant mentality that seems to be seeping in many many wrestlers now. I also love how quick they are to try and allege I was never in the business, and whoola, that old article I wrote for Evan Ginzburg's Wrestling Then And Now newsletter back in 1997 comes back again to slap yet another dumb ass, putting him in 'check' for ASSuming, when HE, really doesn't know shit.

So you can go ahead and read how these dipshits tried to get themselves over with their smarky remarks, and failed,. Because it's guys like them who aren't smart enough to show me why, I should invest in watching their matches, come to the shows they're on, etc., Instead they show why I stopped watching 98% of today's wrestling. Guys like me are what they should be trying to get to reinvest in being a fan of wrestling again, instead? They show why many guys like myself stopped being interested.

Congrats, great job, Maybe Bob Evans should put in a "Lose The Ignorant Attitude" as part of his training seminars at various shows.

It's obvious by the replies here, it's badly needed.

(Updated 6-15-23 11:45 PM)

Ol Nick turned his tail and ran, after someone who saw this story here posted a link on Nick's FB page, Nick panicked and quickly blocked the guy. Here's the screen shot I was sent a few minutes ago.

After seeing this I went and called Nick out on it, and after the following exchange back and forth? Nick realized he was being 'checked' again, and has now blocked me as well.


This current crop of 'wrestlers' always make it too easy. 

Nick's actions just now more than prove that EVERYTHING I said in this story is 100% correct. 

Make sure you thank Nick for me when you get a chance (smiles).

Nothing like openly admitting he blocked me, love how these guys and their Facebook balls, quickly shrivel up when a guy like me 'checks' him, with barely any effort. Love the attempt at an insult AFTER he admits to blocking me, if that isn't a true bitch move, LOL. 

UPDATE 6-16-23 6:45 pm

More examples of how this article proves everything I say about the current era of 'pro wrestler' to be correct. This was sent to me about fifteen minutes ago\and apparently someone trying to defend Nick LIED and said comments on this site are disabled.

HHMMM, seeing as there IS a comment about this article CLEARLY showing here, ol Geoff was lying, and when he got called out for lying? He openly admits to snitching about THIS article, LMAO!

I don't know which more dumb, the guy continuing to lie after he got called out about it, or publicly admitting on social media that he's a snitch. Last time I checked, admitting your a snitch isn't something to be proud of.

But, this, is what the current era of people "in da business' are like. Makes you proud to be a wrestling fan, don't it (smiles).


James Dawson said...

Nice article, I saw the back and forth on Bob Evan's page and you make valid points. The fact Nick Gossert showed he has no balls and blocked you makes everything you said on point. A lot of pussies in wrestling now so please keep exposing this.

Anonymous said...

Man I know both Nick and Geoff, I can't believe they would be this stupid. They both fell for the oldest trick in the book. Usually "marks" fall for this, but maybe this business has more "marks" in it now than ever before. They both made themselves look like complete idiots and next time I see them I'll tell them that.

Anonymous said...

Bills just acting out again due to his wife leaving him and his untreated mental illness.

Anonymous said...

What town are they in?

Anonymous said...

Americatown, USA.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I'm acting out ncause my wife left me? AAAHAHAHGAHAHAHAHA! Her and I talked yesterday dumb ass. Nice try tho. Now you're gonna have to do better, if you can.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh yeah! Dig it, Bill! The ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage has a bone to pick with you, brother! Your actions toward the wrestling community have been nothing short of disgusting, and it's time someone called you out on it.

Wrestling, my friend, is more than just a sport. It's a brotherhood, a family, where we give it our all in that squared circle. We entertain the fans, we put our bodies on the line, and we do it with respect and honor. But you, Bill, you've tarnished that sacred bond.

You've disrespected the legacy of those who came before us, the legends who paved the way for wrestlers like you. You've spat on the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed inside that ring. And worst of all, you've shown no remorse for your actions.

It's not about the wins and losses, Bill. It's about the passion, the dedication, and the love for this business. But you've turned it into a cheap spectacle, a mockery of what wrestling truly represents. You've played dirty, breaking the unwritten rules of respect and fair competition.

Well, let me tell you something, brother. The wrestling community will not stand for it. We will rise up, united against those who seek to bring us down. We will protect the honor of our sport and preserve its integrity.

So, Bill, take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror. Reflect on the path you've chosen and the harm you've caused. It's never too late to change, to make amends, and to earn the respect of your peers.

But until that day comes, know this: the ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage will be watching, brother. And we won't rest until justice is served and the wrestling community is free from the stain of your actions. Ohhh yeah!

Anonymous said...

Hey weren't you going on about people being pussies because they blocked you but now you're deleting comments? Does that make you a pussy too? You're definitely a hypocrite.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I haven't deleted anything, but nice try. as for "the Ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage" (proving these anonymous ass clowns have no balls to post their name, typical "mark' tactic) You'll be watching? Watch thgis then (Gives the finger).

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho! It seems that I must deliver some news, Bill. As Santa Claus, I must inform you that your recent actions have landed you firmly on the naughty list. Oh dear, that's not where anyone wants to be!

You see, the naughty list is reserved for individuals who have shown a lack of kindness, respect, and consideration for others. Your behavior towards the wrestling community has been quite unpleasant, and it's important to understand the consequences of your actions.

But fear not, Bill! The naughty list isn't a permanent sentence. It serves as a reminder that there's room for growth and change. It's an opportunity to reflect on your choices and make amends.

Remember, the wrestling community is a forgiving one. If you can demonstrate a genuine change of heart and work towards rebuilding bridges, you have the chance to redeem yourself. It's never too late to make things right and find yourself back on the nice list.

So, Bill, let this be a wake-up call. Take this opportunity to reflect upon your actions, seek forgiveness, and strive to become a better member of the wrestling community. With sincere effort, you can turn things around and earn your way back onto the nice list.

Ho ho ho! Wishing you the best on your journey of self-improvement, Bill. Remember, Santa Claus believes in second chances.

Bill Walkowitz said...

I'm 50 years old, divorced, no kida, originally from Chicago, lived in N.H. for several years. Moved to Wisconsin where I lived in Wisconsin Dells, Portage and now Mauston. Anything else you want to know, just ask. .

Anonymous said...

The Portage man who police say stole a car and then crashed it into a building following a short chase faces a possible prison term of 4 1/2 years.

William M. Walkowitz, 44, of Portage, was given a $5,000 signature bond but is being held in jail for violating the terms of his probation after he was charged Tuesday with felony take-and-drive vehicle without consent of owner and felony fleeing or eluding an officer as a vehicle operator.

The charges carry a maximum initial sentence of 4 1/2 years in prison.

Shortly before 3 a.m. Sunday, Walkowitz reportedly drove away from Steve's Auto Repair, 101 DeWitt St., in a Nissan Sentra that had been repaired and had not yet been picked up by its owners. Walkowitz's actions caught the attention of Officer Robert J. Bagnall when a vehicle alarm was activated on a second vehicle parked at the shop.

After a short chase down DeWitt Street, Walkowitz reportedly turned off his lights and reached a speed of at least 50 mph on Emmett Street before the vehicle hit a snowbank, became momentarily airborne and struck a building at 1000 Jefferson St.

Walkowitz received nonlife-threatening injuries; the Nissan was damaged extensively, according to police.

Walkowitz is serving a four-year probation sentence after he was convicted in December 2007 of felony burglary and felony bomb scares in Wisconsin Dells.

Walkowitz is scheduled for a pretrial conference Feb. 22 and for a return hearing in court March 11.

Wrestling Past And Present said...


Is THIS, all you got? aaahahahahahahahaha.

This CAN'T be the best you can do, can it?

Damn, all these weak replies here, looks like I have another article in the works thanks to you morons.

Keep up the good work, LMAO!

Art Patterson said...

Isn't it funny Bill that they always have to go back to that one thing that happened in 2010?

I've seen you 'check' a number of idiots and they always go to that one thing, and when you call them out to bring something else, they always have nothing else. How many times do these clowns have to see that bringing up that one thing, never works?

When you say "the marks" are dumber today than ever, I can't say I can disagree with you. They're proving so right here.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

They go to it because #1, they think posting something that happened thirteen years ago actually matters, and #2, it's the only 'ammunition' they can dig up. Shit, I'll post the video of the car chase if they want (shrugs) doesn't matter to me.

Some day, these dumb shits will realize that trying to harm me with a past I've fully embraced Just makes them look like the dumb shits I say they are. Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson tried emailing that to people for years, ask THEM how that worked out for them (smiles).

Wrestling Past And Present said...

But if they want to keep trying? I'll keep laughing at them.

Anonymous said...

Is it just coincidental that you and these other personas share the same lexicon, spelling and gramatical errors, and sentence construction with Billy boy?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Is it coincidental that most of the people leaving replies have no balls to leave their real name? Is it coincidental that the 'marks' that leave the dumb replies are so focused on this one article that they don't take the time to appreciate what else is actually on this site?

mmmm, "checked" again. "Marks" will always continue to make it so easy for me.

Anonymous said...

Is it coincidental you don't know how to use the reply function on your own blog? Are you the mark you're referring to?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I must be doing it good enough since your dumb ass keeps replying. "OOOO" punked yet again. It's still coincidental that you, STILL have no balls to leave your name. But then again "marks" I've put in check thru the years never did, have them kind of balls.

How's it feel to be owned, again.

Anonymous said...

Superman does good. You're doing 'well'. Learn your grammar son.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I must be doing well, dumb asses like you keep replying like the dipshits you are.