Sunday, May 8, 2022

Eric Bischoff Gets "Checked" (And It Wasn't Very Hard To Do Either)


By Bill Walkowitz

While most people know that there isn't any way, on God's green earth that I, or any other staff member here at WP&P were going to watch the WWE pay per view tonight (If you don't like a product, don't bother with it and as you can see posted on this site, there's always something better to watch). I became very happy when Stephen Rodgers, Greg Herzog and Cindy Russell all sent me this little thing that Eric Bischoff did.

The link to it is

This was the very same Eric Bischoff who a couple weeks back said something to the effect of , "People on the internet talk like they think they know about the wrestling business, but they really don't know."

In this case Eric, that line you spat out? That's you.

In the clip above he spits out about all sorts of things about Greg Gagne, but the line that caught my attention, which is why this was sent to me, is that Eric claims that Greg Gagne never wrestled anywhere else BUT, the AWA.

THIS, is where Eric speaks like he 'thinks' he knows,. but really, he doesn't know. But I, as a guy 'on the internet', sure the fuck knows, and seems to know more about this than the very guy who worked for the AWA.

Damn doesn't that make Bischoff look like a dumb ass.

And here's how clueless Eric really is on this. he says and 'claims' that Greg never wrestled anywhere but the AWA?

Feel the burn Eric cause 'flames on' and you're about to be proven wrong.

Since research isn't Bischoff's friend, here's what happens when one actually takes about two minutes to actually DO, some research. 

Look, what's this?

AAHH YEP, sure looks like "AWA" to me (sarcastic 'thumbs up')

But we're not done yet, as you'll see.

Yeah look at the "AWA" logo spread out all over that (rolls eyes)

What's even more funnier about this was that I, posted a match with Gagne & Brunzell wrestling as a tag team in Japan, not more than FOUR DAYS AGO!

The video of that match can be seen here.

UUUHH OOHHH, damn I think there's yet another one. SSOO sorry, not.

Yeah nice try there Eric. Wrong all around mind you, but 'nice try'.

It's pretty sad that Bischoff who worked for the AWA doesn't have the knowledge I have. I knew about this when I was in the tape trading/selling circuit back in the 90's. I grew up on the AWA so trading tapes I went out of my way to get tapes of other places that had AWA wrestlers on it. 

Up until today I had filed that under useless knowledge, but thanks to Eric Bischoff? he helped make that knowledge useful.

Next time you wanna 'fire back', try using that little thing called research, it might just help you out a little.

By the way Bischoff, you can go ahead and start that "I was wrong" retraction speech, any time now. And you can then thank me, for having to do it. (smiles)

And before anyone goes and tries that 'go to, but never works' claim of "nobody visits your site" line. 

That's taken 90 seconds ago, and those are the number of people who have visited WP&P in the last hour. So I'll just go and take that little argument away from yous before you even get a chance to try and use it. 


Jack Reynolds said...

LOL I remember this. I listen to Eric's podcast every week and from the week this came out until now he hasn't even wanted to acknowledge this. I sent him a question about it every week for two months and he obviously avoided it. The truth is, he did get checked, too bad he doesn't have the balls to admit it.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

That would be logic and common sense if he did that, so of course he won't admit he was put in his place by someone more knowledgeable than he is.