Friday, June 11, 2021

Rosemary & Havok GO TO WAR! (And "Sell" Moves better Than The Entire Male Roster, DDAAMMNN!) | IMPACT! Highlights June 10, 2021


Well well, what do we have here? Actual "SELLING" by both women? DAMN, why is it some of the women here in Impact "sell" moves better than all the men?

Why is it nobody seems to have an answer for that every time I ask that? 

Guess it just shows who's been trained properly, and who hasn't.

Short, solid match and very enjoyable. 

Too bad more matches in Impact can't be this enjoyable. 

Every member of the male roster, along with everyone on the booking committee should watch this match and take notes. Then they can be reminded what a match with "selling" done correctly looks like.

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