Friday, August 25, 2023

Are They Really THIS DUMB Over At Coastal Championship Wrestling?


Apparently the answer to that is, Yes they really are this dumb.

Two people including someone who works for Coastal Championship Wrestling, messaged me this, and you really can't, make this shit up. Whoever is uploading CCW's videos to YouTube obviously doesn't know hopw to properly date the videos. dating them  "11.12.23". HHMM, how is it this is supposed to be from NOVEMBER of this year when it's not even SEPTEMBER yet? 

Does the word "dumb ass" seem fitting here?

I went and checked this out, thinking this was just a one time mistake. Let's see just how many times the dumb ass who uploads these videos makes this same mistake, shall we? 

Here's the most recent one, posted nine hours ago.

But wait, there's more. Of course there's more (smiles).

Think that's it? Oh no, we have a couple more. If you're gonna be a dumb ass, don't be a half ass dumb ass, go all the way and be a complete dumb ass.

The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again thinking it's a great idea. Here's a great example of some dipshit doing just that. I hope Coastal Championship Wrestling wasn't paying this moron to make this same mistake over and over and over again. Nothing like getting paid to fuck something up, over and over again, LOL.

You can throw all the hateful comments and replies you want, but the fact is, Coastal Championship Wrestling ALLOWED this kind of fuck up to keep happening, had they caught it the first time, we wouldn't be here with people laughing at how stupid this looks, "GGRREEAATT" representation and professionalism on behalf of Coastal Championship Wrestling.

Keep up the 'good work' (sarcastic thumbs up).


Jack Reynolds said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha I love when you do this shit. Nobody else has the guts to do this kind of stuff and this is why this site has become so popular. My friends and I love this site and this story is one of the reasons why. Great stuff.

Sandra Oakley said...

Somebody in CCW wanted to start some shit by sending that you. I hope whoever it was doesn't get caught.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

If that was the plan then mission accomplished, thought I did hear they had someone 'quickly' go and correct all those videos I listed. Of course they won't admit they have a fuck up uploading their material but, at least what I wrote actually got a result and they did actually correct their fuck up.