Saturday, October 15, 2022

MLW invades Philly Oct 30! Get your tickets


By Gino Bradley

Tickets start at $15 at LIVE TV Taping for MLW FUSION 📺 💥Lio Rush vs. Jacob Fatu 💥Women's World Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie 💥Last Man Standing! Hammerstone vs. "The Judge" EJ Nduka for World Title 💥Willie Mack vs. Calvin Tankman 💥Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Billington Bulldogs vs. BOMAYE Fight Club 💥Real 1 vs. Mance Warner 💥Microman! 💥Samoan SWAT Team vs. The FBI 💥The debut of Sam Adonis 💥World Middleweight Champion Shun Skywalker of DRAGONGATE 💥Cesar Duran

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