Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Does WWE Do When Something They Didn't Create, Gets over? They Edit it Off In Hopes Fans Won't Remember it (Dumb Asses)


WWE edited Nia Jax's "My Hole" line off their YouTube clip and the Hulu replay of Raw.  The line had trended all day long on Twitter yesterday.

Of course they were quick to edit it away, it got over and because nobody in WWE'S "Creative" came up with that line, or told Nia to say it, they were quick to try and get rid of it.

"Can't have anything we didn't create ourselves get over, don't you know" is basically, the 'WWE Mentality'.

Which shows why WWE continue to be such dumb shits. God forbid something they didn't create gets over and they actually have to be 'creative' enough to try and find a way to run with it. I guess that's too much of a challenge for them which is why WWE's Creative Department has always been, 'creatively challenged'. 

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