Friday, October 25, 2019

Content "Available Exclusively" to Subscribers of PWInsider Elite? Yeah Right, Wanna Bet?

Yes, Here we go again with the false claims of PWInsider, 'claiming' that the following 'content' is only available 'exclusively' if you're a paid member of their elite membership service.

If it's SSOOOO 'exclusive' as they claim, then why is it available for free, right on YouTube?

Boom.. How many times have I busted them on this false claim, and yet, they STILL.. Never learn, LOL!

Proof? Sure i have it, right here.. Let me go ahead and show you. :)

That same Media call audio that's "SSSSOOO Exclusive"? OH, look at this..

Why be a 'paid member' of their alleged 'exclusive Elite service' and PAY for things, when you can easily get alot of it right on YouTube? Only idiots do that.

So since this isn't really as 'exclusive' as PWInsider would lead you to believe.. here's the link.. Go ahead and listen to it for free.

You can go ahead and thank me, again. (smiles).

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