Saturday, June 8, 2019

Impact Wrestling Kicks Out Fan At NYC TV Tapings

Someone informed me thru an email (and this story has been validated elsewhere)  by an someone at last night's Impact Wrestling TV tapings in New York City that security had thrown out a fan due to yelling, recording the matches, and pushing on the barricade.
Below is a report of what happened:
"A fan was standing up in the front row, yelling random things all night, putting down every match and every move. He's pushing on the barricade and it's pushing against Don Callis' back. He gets asked to sit down. While he's sitting down, he's just holding his phone in front of his face and he's clearly recording the entire time. After the match, he gets asked to put the phone away because there's no recording. He says on the ticket there is nothing that states that. He's given three to four warnings in the same conversation and he's not listening. Then, Atlas Security kicks him out and the entire crowd cheers and sings, 'Na, na, na, hey, hey, goodbye.'"
It was unclear what exactly the fan was yelling or to whom, no issues were reported after the fan was removed. Below is video of him being removed.
This of course come son the heels of the Bully Ray Incident when a fan was sought out by security at a Ring of Honor event. The individual was brought to the back where he had a quick conversation with Bully Ray (then sent back to his seat) after he had some exchanges with members of The Allure (Velvet Sky, Mandy Leon, and Angelina Love).

You can see some of it at this link here.

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