Thursday, February 14, 2019

When The Guy On Twitter I "Outted" For Snitching Admits He Snitched (Fucking Dumb Ass)

YES, "TJB" aka @ItsMe_TJB on Twitter who I outed in a story posted here yesterday ( ) for snitching on me and getting me again in Twitter jail, has come clean, ON TWITTER NO LESS, and admitted he snitched!! I know he snitched on me and two others and guess what, I have proof he did INDEED snitch, proving i was right when i correctly accused him of being a bitch who couldn't handle being put in  check by me, and acouple others.

Here's the proof. HIS OWN ADMISSION that he's a snitch.

Moron dumb asses like this need to go to snitching school because one of the first lessons if you want to be a snitch is, you don't brag about publicly. Bragging that you're now going to be known as a snitch isn't, something that's to be proud of. But... This is the mentality of the current day wrestling mark I guess. Thinking it's a 'cool hip thing' to be known as a snitch.

When did it suddenly become 'cool' to want to be known as a snitch? I must've missed that movement. Where i come from your ass gets beat or worse for snitching. But I guess when you can hide behind a keyboard and a monitor and be a Twitter tough guy, and not have to face anyone because you lack the balls to do that, this is the only way they can feel like they're bad asses. In reality it just re-enforces the fact, they're little bitches with no real balls who have to snitch so that way they can feel better about themselves after they get chumped in public (and fail to remember that they asked for that to happen in the first place with their own actions, another thing they're quick to side step).

So by all means go on Twitter and let "YJB" know about this story, what's he gonna do? Cry some more on Twitter? LOL!

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